Monday, February 11, 2013

Beach Time

In the weekend my family and I went to raglan. Putting my feet in the cold icy water, was freezing cold. My cousin and I decided to jump of the bridge, it was my first time so I was a bit scared. So at the same time me and my cousin jumped off the bridge. I had butterflies inside of me, but it was cool and awesome. It was very deep so we couldn't touch the ground at all it took along time to swim back to shore. My cousins and I, walked on the other side of the mountain and swam at the back. The beach was cold and the view was amazing.

After swimming in the beach, we had a BBQ. There was Steak, Patties, Potato salad and also chicken kebabs which was my favourite. It smelt really nice and taste delicious and scrumptious.

I really enjoyed my time in Hamilton with my family, this weekend was the best!

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